Sunday, June 25, 2017


Something takes over my body. Is it a person or something else entirely?

My body stands up and I scream. I speak some sort of gibberish that I can't comprehend.
He said that I said "They are coming." When he, my boyfriend Simon, asked who is coming.  I just repeated, "They are coming." His friend, who has experience with dealing with the supernatural, came over.  The friend, James, took my hands, looked into my eyes, said the word speak and let go of my hands.

The lights started to flicker and I closed my eyes. When they opened, Simon said they were red as blood. I yelled "They are here." I collapsed and the lights went out completely. Something, a child, came out of the floor. James asked who they are and what do they want. She says they need a soul to continue their lives. He then asks, "Why do they have to continue their lives? Why does a soul have to do it?"

She says the soul has power that no other organ has and that the people have unfinished business they need to complete. James asks if I will survive if I help them. She says if I behave and let my body be taken over, only then will I survive. He lets her know that the people can use my soul as long as I come back. The ghost disappears and I open my eyes. A voice says, "Changes are coming."

My body falls down and I begin to move in a strange fashion. My legs start kicking but my arms stay still. Then I stop and stay silent. I shut my eyes, move my head back and forth, then scream. My body floats to the ceiling and drops to the floor. I close my eyes again and go silent for a while. Simon tires to touch me to make sure I am still alive. He starts to cry knowing something has happened. I have no pulse, no heartbeat, I am not breathing because I am no longer there. My body is somewhere else. James walks away from the scene my body has made.

Hours later, I awaken. I look around, confused and scared. I yell out for James and he comes in with Simon. They tell me what happened and that they thought I was dead. I asked why no one did anything. Simon explained that sometimes demons temporarily kill a person but that they come back when the creatures finish with the person. Simon said that is what happened to me.

Monday, May 7, 2012

5 Things I Learned from College:

1. Don't Room with Your Friends: If you do, you may be sorry. When you room with someone, you learn about their quirks, and strange habits. It is best to live with someone you either somewhat know or barely know, so you won't ruin any of your current friendships.

2. Join Groups- I know being a freshman is awkward, but once you join organizations on campus it won't be as strange. You will meet new people and gain some great experiences and memories. It's also great, when you are in the organization more, to join your organization's executive board (e-board for short). It teaches you more about the group you are in.

3. Try New Things- I know this sounds cliché, but trust me, it's true. When you try new things, you learn things you may not have known. For example, when I joined Alpha Phi Omega, I didn't know what I was getting into, but I tried it and it has been one of the best decisions I ever made. Through joining this co-ed fraternity, I met so many people and learned so many new, great things. (like how to make letters, and what it means to be a big.) I also learned how great it feels to volunteer. 

4. Pick your classes wisely, you only have four years- Every class has a course number for a reason: they are there to tell you how difficult the class is. A 100 level class is better to take as a freshman than a 200 level class. Also a 100 level class that is not your major (history for example) is better than taking a higher level class (200 something for example). A 200 level class requires more work and is meant for students who have taken the 100 level class. These students know loosely what to expect since they have taken the lower level already. Also it's good to ask older students what classes they recommend, since they may have taken the class or had the professor. They are usually right with why they recommend the class.

(Side Note about Professors: Ask students what professors to take, if you can help it, since some majors only have a few professors teaching classes in that concentration. It would stink to take the hardest professor on campus and then learn that there was an easier professor you could have taken. Sometimes even good professors are not good for you. For example, if you are not good at taking tests, and are better at papers, like me, then try to take a professor that does mostly essays and almost no tests.)

5. Use your Resources- If you are struggling in a class and your college offers free tutoring, get one. They can help you with the class, they may even be able to explain certain topics better than the professor. They can also give you activities to help you in areas you are struggling with and help you study for exams. Don't be ashamed, many people have a tutor and it doesn't mean you are not as intelligent as your friends. Also, if you got certain accommodations in high school, continue them if you can, they can help you in the long run. The library's resource librarian (if your college has one) is another great resource. They can aid you in navigating the library or teach you how to research a topic for a research paper. 

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Ode to Music

The music flows through my ears,
Every word, every sound,
Taking me away from it all,
Stress of classes, life, everything,
Putting my mind at ease,
Letting me focus on something else for a while,
Letting me relax,
Taping my toes, swaying to the beat,
Music does that,

Music is in its own category,
It's like a diverse universe,
A universe that has so many styles,
And so many fans,
Young and old,
White and Black,
That's the great thing about music,
You can usually listen to whatever you want,
And no one will care,
Music doesn't judge,
Or complain,
It just is there,
To help, relax, calm, and so much more,
It's like a mood ring,
Each color represents an artist or band,
And those colors can either change every day,
Or stay the same,
Depending on your mood,
It's just something great that we have,
That everyone can be apart of,
No matter who you are,
Listener, artist, band,
Everyone is apart of music.


Waiting for it to come,
Wanting it to come,
Anticipation is building,
Some got it, others didn't,
Playing their days away,
Making potions, casting spells,
Going deeper into the magic of it all,
Playing the books like they are games,
In a world that all its own,

Sunday, September 4, 2011

The Secret Meeting

The words flow
People look around
Rumors are spread
Questions are raised
Answers are given
Confusion arises
Confusion dissipates
Meeting begins
Words begin again
Flow in a line
Front to back
People get up
Letters are written
Letters are seen
Big and Bold
Showing what we are
Who we are
Groups form
Chatter begins
Lines form
Singing begins
Swaying while a song is sung
Move hands
Rest of song is sung
The secret meeting has ended